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br skill leia isso é o runescape pirata igual o matrix so que um pouco alterado EmptySex Abr 10, 2015 3:37 pm por br skill2

» AIO aqui, leiam pessoal.
br skill leia isso é o runescape pirata igual o matrix so que um pouco alterado EmptyDom Abr 05, 2015 3:20 pm por br skill2

» AIO contatos..
br skill leia isso é o runescape pirata igual o matrix so que um pouco alterado EmptyQua Mar 05, 2014 11:22 am por aion

br skill leia isso é o runescape pirata igual o matrix so que um pouco alterado EmptyQua Jan 15, 2014 10:39 am por aion

br skill leia isso é o runescape pirata igual o matrix so que um pouco alterado EmptyQua Jan 15, 2014 10:25 am por aion

» Na boa vo juntar vcs tudo de novo !
br skill leia isso é o runescape pirata igual o matrix so que um pouco alterado EmptyQui Ago 08, 2013 4:35 pm por Br skill

» anivesario do clan
br skill leia isso é o runescape pirata igual o matrix so que um pouco alterado EmptySeg Dez 24, 2012 3:44 pm por malech

» Cheguei seus gay
br skill leia isso é o runescape pirata igual o matrix so que um pouco alterado EmptySáb Dez 15, 2012 1:30 pm por saymon

» Ta bom galera u.U
br skill leia isso é o runescape pirata igual o matrix so que um pouco alterado EmptySex Dez 14, 2012 5:04 pm por saymon

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br skill leia isso é o runescape pirata igual o matrix so que um pouco alterado

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br skill leia isso é o runescape pirata igual o matrix so que um pouco alterado Empty br skill leia isso é o runescape pirata igual o matrix so que um pouco alterado

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<td class='row2'><b>Posted By:</b>

&nbsp;<a href=' Ah64/'>Apache Ah64</a>

@ 04 February 2012 - 12:05 PM</td>
<td class='row2'><div style='width: 100%; overflow: auto'>Hello,<br />

Kind regards,<br />
Apache Ah64<br />
<br />
- Web Developer</div> <br/></td>
<td class='row2'>
<b>Comments:</b> 16 ::
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<h3 id='category_upnews966' class='maintitle'><a class='toggle right' href='#' title='Toggle this category'>Toggle this category</a> Economy - Cjay0091's Plans</h3><div class="ipsBox table_wrap">
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<td class='row2'><b>Posted By:</b>

&nbsp;<a href=''>Cjay0091</a>

@ 02 February 2012 - 11:07 PM</td>
<td class='row2'><div style='width: 100%; overflow: auto'>Im proud to announce that making the economy possible will be my only goal from now on. I would also like to say that the economy will be unique and very challenging, while easy to gain money. Hard work and theft will be your main goal in this. I will be playing the economy (along with chosen beta testers) to play from a player's point of view and to play myself, without cheats. eg: walking, trade, skilling to 99, ect... to make sure that even I, who hates working for items, will enjoy it. Skilling will not be your only choice of making money. Merching and pking will be other ways of cash. Eg: Duel arena, pking, price playing the GE. I would love to hear your suggestions in this thread to help make the eco more enjoyable.<br />
<br />
Current Xp rates: x10 PVP x20 (Skills) - These could change at any time, and may possibly be voted on.<br />
<br />
Home of Preferance: Falador<br />
<br />
<br />
<p class='citation'><a class='snapback' rel='citation' href=';module=forums&amp;section=findpost&amp;pid=12537'><img src='' alt='View Post' /></a>Cjay0091, on 04 February 2012 - 03:52 AM, said:</p><div class="blockquote"><div class='quote'>
Me and Im famous have been talking, here is the basic set up of when you login. There you are all alone in fally with only a quest guide. The quest guide will put you through the basics at first, then taking the harder tasks, like showing you teleports. An idea would be showing decent teleports and functions through cutscenes. Like a cutscene over karmja's agility arena, fishing area, ect.. for all available teleports. Hints on game necklace, training areas, ect... Then after some more discussion about other important aspects. Soon after you will be required to start a quest to unlock ancients and lunar spells. This will only START the quest, not the whole thing, jsut to keep you aware. Thats all I have for now. And oh yea, use a bucket on the fountain in falador to go to mage bank. &quot;You slip and fall into the rejuvinating water and end up in a cave.&quot;, &quot;The water has seemed to heal your ailments.&quot;<br /></div></div></div> <br/></td>
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Mensagens : 47
Pontos : 24491202
Reputação : 103
Data de inscrição : 16/01/2012
Idade : 29
Localização : São Paulo -SP

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br skill leia isso é o runescape pirata igual o matrix so que um pouco alterado Empty Re: br skill leia isso é o runescape pirata igual o matrix so que um pouco alterado

Mensagem  aio Ter Fev 07, 2012 6:07 pm

apesar que tem mais, mais não consigo postar aqui.

esta tudo completo : mais o que falta para eu te dar:

items da lista
play now (jogar agora)

ai é só postar na internet. cheers

Mensagens : 47
Pontos : 24491202
Reputação : 103
Data de inscrição : 16/01/2012
Idade : 29
Localização : São Paulo -SP

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